Bruce Dean Willis

is Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at The University of Tulsa. His research and publications focus on diverse aspects of poetry and performance, and expressions of Indigenous and African cultures, in Latin American literature, particularly Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.

TIME FOR CHOCOLATE is available for purchase through One Act Play Depot! A brief description:

An intoxicating evening of music, poetry, and chocolate... in pre-conquest Mexico!
Based on a fifteenth-century dialogue among nobles schooled in rhetoric and philosophy, the play pits father against son in a war of words over the power and beauty of artistic expression.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mi corazón deshecho

This is an illustration, that I have my students help me draw on the board in class, for interpreting Sor Juana's alchemical masterpiece sonnet, "Esta tarde mi bien, cuando te hablaba." Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, a 17th-century nun who lived in New Spain, is usually agreed to be the most important writer of her time in the Spanish-speaking Americas. The sonnet reads:

Esta tarde, mi bien, cuando te hablaba,
como en tu rostro y tus acciones vía
que con palabras no te persuadía,
que el corazón me vieses deseaba;

y Amor, que mis intentos ayudaba,
venció lo que imposible parecía:
pues entre el llanto, que el dolor vertía,
el corazón deshecho destilaba.

Baste ya de rigores, mi bien, baste;
no te atormenten más celos tiranos,
ni el vil recelo te quietud contraste

con sombras necias, con indicios vanos,
pues ya en líqudo humor viste y tocaste
mi corazón deshecho entre tus manos.

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